Friday, July 22, 2022

Readable ETC

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Authority-check. Roles. User Profile

 Example usage

    ID 'ACTVT'  FIELD '16' " 01, 02, 03, 06, 07, 16 (40 ... no more auth)
    ID 'ACTVT'  FIELD '01'" ....

 Note that for the user will be authorized above, the object 'S_DEVELOP' should be assigned to one of his assigned authorization profiles. The authorization profile is assigned to the Roles. These can be found in the user master data. Can be display via SU03d. Tcodes to create/display roles, objects, authorizations etc are PFCG, SUIM, SU20, SUO1, SuO1D. Tcode SUIM can be used to find the role with auth for that particular transaction, use Roles by Selection Criteria

How to debug database update tasks, message output type.

 1. Know how to replicate the program to debug. Get data to debug.

 2. If program is known, put external breakpoint (BP).  Plus All NACE routines, RSNASTED, etc. of the output type.

 3. Then run the program or tcode .  On the transaction screens, input all data. Then before saving the document. Activate debugger, or put /h in the command field.

 4. Once inside the debugger, check Update debugging.  Make it sure that it is check and activated. 

 5. Then press F8. Another debugging windows will open for the DB update. It should go to external BP.

  6. Usually the the program message update is open.