Use function module ALE_MODEL_INFO_GET to search for the model view. Just input at most the message type, receiving system which can be found in partner profile tcode WE20 for a specific logical system(LS).
Logical Sytem LS - used for ale interfaces both sender and receiver. Ls becomes sender the sender for outbound messages and receiver for inbound messages.
Message type - logical message. characterize the data send like ORDERS for purchase order, INVOICE for invoice, CREMAS for customers , WMMBXY for good movements
Idoc type- basic type. Structure of the idoc such ORDERS05 for message type ORDERS DELVRY02 for message type STPPOD or ASN.
Customer Distribution Model - stores information of the flow of messages across. Dictates which message types flow to which LS. Object filtering imposing. BD64.
Listing are special filter object for distribution of master data.
Change pointers are objects that mark changes to sap master data.
Ports are logical communication channel.
Process codes are FM or API. Inbound process codes are used to post and process inbound idoc. Stored in Tede1. Outbound process codes are used to create and populate the idoc with application data. Use message control for outbound. Stored in tede2.
Message control and output type determination. Output records are Stored in NAST for all outbound. Message control alao uses condition technique. Output type alao specifies a Z program or module to invoke to create the output such as GR output. Can be seen in NACE tcode.
Partner profile - inbound, outbound nand message control. Gateway.
It is important that the name of LS and the RFC destination are the same.
The port definition is generated based on RFC destination created.
Partner profile is generated based on the customer Distribution model created.
Outbound idoc status 01 then 30 ready for processing can be pushed by rseout00 program then 03. 03 does not mean that rfc comm is successful. So monitor using sm58.
If error, analyze logs and dump sm21 and st22.
Rfc calls sent stored in table arfcsstae while those rfc calls on the receiver are in arfcrstate.
Idoc status that arrived on target system is 64 readybto to be passed to application. Use rbdapp01. Should turn to 53 status. Workflow can be setup to receive work items in your inbox in case of errors. Edit idoc and Reprocess in case of data related.
In case of application error, use slg1.
System availability, deadlocks, temporal data problem cause idoc status 51. Use RBDMANIN.
How to determine if rfc calls to the remote system were successful? Use bd87 or program rbdmoind. Enter idoc, it will update status. If still 03.
If rfc calls were successful, the program update status of the idoc to 12 - dispatch ok.
01-30-03(data passed to port ok) 12(dispatch ok)